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Articles tagged as "Allan Gray Balanced Fund"

Insights categories - Local investing

Navigating investment challenges: The interplay between skill and luck

By Jithen Pillay and Matthew Patterson on 05 Jun 2024

Reading time: 7 mins

Decision strategist and best-selling author Annie Duke advises focusing on a good process when trying to make the best decisions in highly uncertain scenario...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The power of perspective in an election year

By Marise Bester on 02 May 2024

Reading time: 10 mins

Many local investors are understandably worried about what the future holds and how the election may affect their wealth. Keeping perspective throughout your...

Insights categories - Local investing

2024: What will the election year hold?

By Duncan Artus on 30 Jan 2024

Viewing time: 7 mins

From macroeconomic decisions to political outcomes, markets – and sentiment – can be temporarily influenced by various external factors. If 2023 will be...

Insights categories - Local investing

The key lesson from 2023: Uncertainty is ever-present

By Rory Kutisker-Jacobson on 29 Jan 2024

Reading time: 6 mins

Rory Kutisker-Jacobson takes stock of the key local and global market events of 2023 and highlights some of the themes that are likely to shape the year ahea...

Insights categories - Local investing

Local investment update: Balancing caution and optimism

By Tim Acker on 26 Sep 2023

Reading time: 7 mins

In recent years, South Africa’s numerous, well-known economic challenges have fuelled declining investor sentiment and led many to doubt the local market’s...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Principles for successful investing from the world of sport

By Tebogo Marite on 05 Sep 2023

Reading time: 5 mins

Nothing quite unites South Africans like a good sporting event. During the months of July and August, South African sports fans were spoiled for choice as tw...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Risk: An essential ingredient for real long-term returns

By Nomi Bodlani on 31 Jul 2023

Reading time: 14 mins

When it comes to investing, no investor wants to lose money. In fact, as humans, we have a built-in aversion to loss. Unfortunately, by overly focusing on...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Are we entering a global stockpicker’s paradise?

By Rory Kutisker-Jacobson on 02 Jun 2023

Listening time: 40 mins

In conversation with portfolio manager Rory Kutisker-Jacobson, Matthew Spencer from our offshore partner, Orbis, explains why the Investment team believes th...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How staying the course gives you the long-term edge

By Thandi Skade on 04 May 2023

Reading time: 8 mins

In a world where instant gratification is king, it can be hard not to get distracted by the lure of short-term gains. But taking a long-term view of your...

Insights categories - Investment insights

The power of 1%

By Radhesen Naidoo on 04 May 2023

Reading time: 10 mins

As we celebrate our 50 th anniversary, we are mindful of the collective efforts of teams, past and present, in building our long-term track record....

Insights categories - Local investing

Why South Africa is still attractive for investors

By Tim Acker on 04 May 2023

Listening time: 50 mins

In conversation with portfolio manager Tim Acker, investment analysts Siphesihle Zwane and Jithen Pillay discuss the impact of the major local challenges on...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Four contrarian investment questions to ask in 2023

By Jacques Plaut on 22 Feb 2023

Reading time: 6 mins

Jacques Plaut, portfolio manager, shares the four questions investors should consider this year and discusses how the Allan Gray Balanced Fund is positioned ...

Insights categories - Local investing

Was 2022 a secular turning point and if so, what does it mean for the years ahead?

By Duncan Artus on 26 Jan 2023

Viewing time: 12 Mins

In his first investment update of 2023, Duncan Artus discusses the current investment context and how it differs from the past, shares a review of 2022 and...

Insights categories - Local investing

Business update: The role of balanced funds

By Tamryn Lamb on 01 Dec 2022

Viewing time: 21 mins

This year has seen a number of meaningful changes for investors, including the introduction of higher offshore limits. At the recent Allan Gray and Orbis...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Investing – risky business?

By Lydia Fourie on 27 Oct 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

Understanding your investments, and the risks you may face when investing, can go a long way towards helping you successfully navigate trying times. Lydia...

Insights categories - Investment insights

How do you cater for extreme events when constructing resilient multi-asset portfolios?

By Gladness Rupare and Martine Damonse on 28 Jul 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

Gladness Rupare and Martine Damonse, who hosted panels with members of the Allan Gray and Orbis Investment teams, capture some of key questions and insights,...

Insights categories - Investment insights

How to invest to be crisis ready

By Stephan Bernard on 01 Apr 2022

Reading time: 6 mins

COVID-19 has driven home an important life lesson: Expect (and plan for) the unexpected. When it comes to your finances, this means balancing the need to hav...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to apply “cathedral thinking” in your investment approach

By Marise Bester and Daniella Bergman on 27 Jan 2022

Reading time: 14 mins

The prolonged stress of the pandemic has heightened many investors’ focus on the now, interfering with the ability to make sound decisions that improve the...

Insights category - companies

Woolworths: Not so down under

By Jithen Pillay on 22 Apr 2021

Reading time: 7 mins

Most of you will be more than familiar with the fashion, beauty, home and food offering of retailer Woolworths, affectionately referred to as Woolies, and on...

Insights categories - Local investing

Balanced Fund: Perspectives and positioning

By Tim Acker on 10 Feb 2021

Viewing time: 45 mins

In a recent webinar, Portfolio Manager Tim Acker discussed the investment environment and looked at how the Allan Gray Balanced Fund is positioned to take...

Insights categories - Local investing

Balanced Fund: Optionality, the most unappreciated asset

By Tim Acker on 10 Feb 2021

Reading time: 5 mins

One of the most unappreciated assets in a portfolio is optionality – the ability to take advantage of market disparity and to move between and within asset...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Has your risk perception changed as a result of the market crisis?

By Marise Bester on 16 Oct 2020

Reading time: 9 mins

Historically, deep economic shocks have prompted significant changes in investment and saving behaviour. During times of uncertainty, investors scramble to...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Is your trust in your investment manager well placed?

By Nomi Bodlani and Tamryn Lamb on 16 Oct 2020

Reading time: 12 mins

It has been a volatile six months in the markets, following a five-year period of disappointing equity returns. At times like these, it is understandable for...

Insights categories - Local investing

Prospects look promising

By Stephan Bernard and Radhesen Naidoo on 12 Oct 2020

Reading time: 8 mins

Disappointing short-term performance has had a dampening effect on longer-term numbers. Looking at similar periods in our history provides useful context and...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Part 4: How to invest to be crisis ready

By Stephan Bernard on 09 Jun 2020

Reading time: 7 mins

COVID-19 has driven home an important life lesson: Expect (and plan for) the unexpected. When it comes to your finances, this means balancing the need to hav...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Making sense of current market conditions

By on 12 Mar 2020

Reading time: 6 mins

The current market volatility is understandably causing investors much stress. Allan Gray and Orbis examine the impact of coronavirus and offer clients some...

Insights categories - Local investing

Valuations matter

By Andrew Lapping on 11 Jun 2019

Reading time: 12 mins

Uncertainty abounds at present. Equity returns for the past few years have been underwhelming, political upheaval locally and internationally is causing wave...

Insights categories - Local investing

Balanced Fund update: An improved opportunity set

By Andrew Lapping on 03 May 2019

Reading time: 4 mins

The poor sentiment towards equity markets at the end of 2018 reversed sharply in the first quarter of 2019, with the JSE appreciating 8% and the MSCI World...

Insights categories - Local investing

The year of payback

By Duncan Artus on 15 Feb 2019

Reading time: 4 mins

Excess returns from the FTSE/JSE All Share Index (ALSI) relative to cash have disappointed over the last five years, with cash now outperforming, on average....

Insights categories - Local investing

The upside of down markets

By Andrew Lapping on 11 Jan 2019

Reading time: 7 mins

2018 was not a good year for investors with price declines in many asset classes. The FTSE/JSE All Share Index (ALSI) fell 8.5% in 2018, or 21% when measured...

Insights categories - Local investing

Understanding recent performance

By Andrew Lapping on 07 Dec 2018

Reading time: 6 mins

2018 was a difficult year for investors with most asset classes falling in price. The prices of all assets are volatile; the only asset to seemingly lack...

Insights categories - Local investing

Annual report from the outgoing Chief Investment Officer

By Ian Liddle on 01 Mar 2016

Reading time: 5 mins

Adapted from the Chief Investment Officer’s comments, which will appear in the Allan Gray Unit Trust Annual Report, 2015. These are Ian Liddle’s final Annual...


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